Tired of the hassle of setting up new projects? Do you want full control over your database and servers? Me too.
As a developer who frequently ships weekend projects, I've used just about every service out there: Firebase, Heroku, Netlify, Vercel, PlanetScale—you name it. Every time I start a new project, it's the same exhausting process: endless configurations, credit card forms, and surprise monthly fees if your project takes off 💸.
You can serve popular websites with a single server on DigitalOcean!
“But what if my project has millions of users? It could become the next Google, after all 🤷‍♂️,” you wonder. The reality is, most projects start with 0, 10, 100, maybe 1000 users. You don't need to think about serving users at Google scale if you haven't even launched your first MVP.
Kubernetes, thousands of useless cloud services 🤯... you don't need all that complexity for early projects. A single server on DigitalOcean for just $6/month can get you there—no fuss, no endless configuration steps, just a simple setup that works.
Focus on the product, not the infrastructure.
The technology is already proven: Next.js for the frontend, FastAPI for the backend, and Postgres for the database. I created a Docker Compose file and some utils scripts to make these services work together seamlessly. I've added features that I use for all my projects—authentication, Stripe integration, email sending—and decided to share it with you.
Start your project without the headaches. Build, iterate, and grow—with simplicity.